7 Things You Should Do If You Have Bacterial Vaginosis

As a woman, you need to take proper care of your reproductive health. There are times, however, that we are faced with challenges relating to our reproductive well-being. Contracting bacterial vaginosis is one of those challenges.

Bacterial vaginosis or BV is an infection in the reproductive organ of a woman – the vagina. The vagina is the muscular canal that connects the outer labia and vulva to the uterus. Vaginal flora is the bacteria that thrive inside the vagina. A healthy and balanced population of these vaginal microbiome keeps the smooth function of the vagina. However, if you contract bacterial vaginosis there is a disruption in the balance of vaginal microbiota and the good bacteria dwindle in population while the bad bacteria proliferate.

This infection can affect women between 15-44 years old whether they are engaging in sexual intercourse or not. Bacterial vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted disease (STD). You cannot pass the infection to your male sex partner. However, if you are engaged in a sexual relationship with another woman, there is a high chance that you can pass or catch the disease.

Is bacterial vaginosis curable?

Yes, you can get rid of bacterial vaginosis with the proper medications. Sometimes, it even goes away on its own. But if you do not want to endure the discomfort brought about by the infection, you must seek help from a licensed physician immediately. If you are pregnant or are trying to get pregnant, you have all the more reason to consult a doctor.

What happens if you fail to get it treated?

The following health risks can happen if you do not get bacterial vaginosis treated right away:

·         Contracting Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or PID. Research has shown that there is a link between PID and BV. PID can happen when the BV infection climbs to the womb and fallopian tubes. You will even be more prone to PID if you have BV plus an intrauterine device and other surgeries in the reproductive system.

·         Becoming more prone to HIV. You have a higher risk of spreading or getting HIV if you have BV.

·         Catching sexually transmitted diseases. If you are sexually active with multiple partners, having BV untreated will lead to contraction of other SITs like gonorrhea, herpes, and Chlamydia.

·         Pregnancy problems. The risk of other complications is highest if you are pregnant. BV is known to lead to early birth or premature labor.

What to do if you have bacterial vaginosis?

Avoid the risk of other complications. If you have BV, make sure that you take the necessary steps to have it treated. Here are seven things you should do to take care of yourself if you have bacterial vaginosis.

1.    Eat probiotic-rich food.

You have to make sure that the healthy bacteria in your body are thriving. Eating food like yogurt, which is high in probiotic promotes the introduction of good bacteria into the body. This will naturally revert the vagina’s natural flora. Try eating one yogurt or yogurt drink serving every day for maximum results. You can also take probiotic supplements for a stronger effect.

2.    Consume natural anti-bacterial food.

If you think you are having bacterial vaginosis, try incorporating more food with antibacterial property into your diet. An example of this is garlic. Garlic is a superfood that is acknowledged to contain effective antibacterial property. Put garlic in your dishes as much as possible. Or better yet, take garlic supplements that are easily available in the market.

3.    Wear breathable cloth underwear.

Avoid wearing spandex, satin, or silk underwear in the meantime. These materials can trap moisture and will provide a viable environment for bad bacteria or other vaginal infections. While you are having bacterial vaginosis, you should wear cotton underwear. Cotton is a breathable material so the area stays dry.

4.    Practice safe sex or avoid it in the meantime.

If you are sexually active, remember to use a condom every time you engage in sexual intercourse. If you can, abstain from sex in the meantime. Multiple sexual partners also increase your risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections. If possible, stay faithful to one partner or abstain from coitus.

5.    Avoid douching.

If you have bacterial vaginosis, douching can lead to disruption of the natural flora and pH of the vagina. If it is not advised by your physician, don’t do it. It will worsen your condition than treat it.

6.    Practice good habits.

There are cleaning habits that you need to follow to avoid infection. For example, since your vagina and anus are close, you need to follow a specific cleaning direction to avoid bacteria from the anus invading the vagina. Wipe from the front to the back after using the bathroom. Wiping away from the vagina going to the anus will avoid infecting your reproductive area with harmful bacteria.

7.    Report to the doctor

This is the most important thing that you need to do. Call your doctor if you are exhibiting symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. Visiting your local walk in clinic Thunder Bay can make a difference. If it is your first time having your reproductive parts checked and you would prefer online check-ups, you can also check online clinics in Canada which can offer the same level of health care.

Overcome bacterial vaginosis. Find a doctor today.